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Reviewing New Applications

This support article walks you through the basics of reviewing applications and assigning vendors application statuses.

When logged in, take a look at your Dashboard. In the lower lefthand side you will see the most recent Notifications.

To see all notifications, click on the Notifications item in your lefthand toolbar.

This will give you a complete list of all notifications that you can review and archive as needed. 

As you can see in the example above Owl Designs has just applied to your application and selected days to attend your Summer Season. You can either click on the blue links in the notifications to review their application, or you can click on the Vendors item in your lefthand toolbar.

Under Vendors you will see a list of all the vendors who have ever applied to your events.

You can filter the vendors by clicking on any of the categories at the left of this list. To see all vendors that need review- click the box next to the filter "Needs Review" 

To review the vendor click on the Review button to the far right of that vendor line item. In the example below we will review the newly applied Owl Designs.

After clicking Review, you will be on the event overview page for Owl Designs. This page gives you all the details about that vendor including business information, tags, products and application To review their application scroll down to the Application section. Click the small arrow at right to expand this section.  In the example below you can see Owl Designs has submitted an application for your 2020 Summer Season. 

At the top of the vendor appliation you will see the different states you can apply to that vendor application. These include:

  • Decline - a state that does not allow that vendor or exhibitor to attend your market or event.
  • Resubmit - a state that kicks the application back to the vendor to resolve any issues - clicking Resubmit allows you to enter a message back to the applicant
  • Received - an optional state to help let your vendors/exhibitors that you received their application
  • Pre-Approve - an optoinal state to help let your vendors/exhibitors that their application is good but you might not yet be able to fully accept them
  • Approve - accepting your vendor/exhibitor application, allows you to start assigning them spaces


Each time you change a vendor/exhibitor status it sends an email message and notification to their dashboard. The default notifications can be overridden by following the support article below:

Customize status messages


When you Approve a vendor application for an event or season you will then be able to set a per event day status for them. In the example below, you can see our vendor application is now set to the Approved status.

Scrolling down you will find a Days section. Here is the list of all the event days that this particular vendor has indicated they would like to attend. The Status column is where you set the per-day status for that vendor or exhibitor. The options are:

  • Pending - default state for a vendor or exhibitor for a day they selected to attend.
  • Waitlist - a state to indicate that the vendor or exhibitor is on a waitlist for that event day.
  • Accepted - a state to indicate that the vendor or exhibitor can attend that day (usually regardless of whether you assign them a stall or not).
  • Rejected  - a state to indicate that they vendor or exhibitor is not allowed to attend that day.
  • Not Attending - the defualt state for a vendor or exhibitor when they have not selected a day to attend.

The Space column will automatically update with their assigned space for that day after you schedule them with Scheduler.


Let's say for example that we would like to accept our example vendor for April 11th and April 18th but can only waitlist them for April 25th. For May we unfortunately have no room left so we cannot allow them to attend. For each of those days we would select the corresponding status as seen below.

To recap, each of your activated events or seasons will have an application linked to it. In some cases they may share an application or, they can each have their own application. Each application that a vendor or exhibitor submits will be listed under the Vendor account for you to review. There are two states you will assign them. The first is the application status and the second is the per-event day status. A good analogy would be how you apply to College or University. The College or University generally has an application that would get accepted or rejected. Then, if accepted it doesn't mean you can show up for each class but rather you then select the classes you would like to attend and are either accepted or rejected on a class by class basis. 

From here you can start assigning spaces for each event day with Scheduler. For an overview of that process, please see the support article below:

Assigning vendor booths with Scheduler