Blisspoint Meadery

Specialty Food Artisan

Middlesex County, MA 01730

Blisspoint Meadery

Specialty Food Artisan


We are Blisspoint Meadery in Bedford, MA. We make mead, an alcohol made from honey. Mead is the oldest known fermented beverage, yet our meads are modern and refined for the varied palates of the craft beverage era. We have over 40 unique products available, from bubbly to still, dry to sweet, light and refreshing to rich and complex, and every one of them delicious! We sell our meads direct to consumer through local tastings, local community farmers markets, and online sales for shipping and local pickup.

At Blisspoint Meadery we are in constant pursuit of the perfect beverage, searching for that blisspoint, the perfect combination of flavors in the perfect proportions, to put the mouth and mind in a state where it cannot imagine anything better in that moment. Your blisspoint is different from your friend’s blisspoint, and your blisspoint may change day to day, moment to moment, depending on the weather, what you had to eat that day, or your general mood. The blisspoint is a moving target, difficult to pin down, but worth the pursuit. At Blisspoint Meadery, we want to help you find your beverage blisspoint, over and over again ...

Programs and Partners


Bedford, MA


Jeff Venuti
I've been fermenting various substances for 25 years. Mead has captured my heart and imagination with its connection to bees, agriculture, sustainability, and the wide range and diversity of things you can make by fermenting honey. My cycle is Create / Share / Smile. Repeat. And do it sustainably! I craft delicious adult beverages from honey, fruit, herbs, and spices. Then...I get to share it with people! And THEN...we I get to see them smile! How awesome is that? This is what keeps me going every day.
