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4" Potted American Black Elderberry Plants (Sambucus canadensis)
* Certified Naturally Grown & ODA Nursery Licensed.
* Varieties include: Ranch, Adams, Bob Gordon, York & Pocahantas. Growing instructions included with each purchase.
* Harvest your own antioxidant-rich berries for juice, syrup, jelly, gummies, pie and more as soon as August 2025 (depending on your Green Thumb ; ) This year, pick and dry the beautiful, fragrant white flowers to make healthful teas, allowing plants to establish strong root system to support next year’s berries.
* Very hardy, easy to grow, native, deciduous shrub grows best with full sun, 6ft x 6ft of space and 1”- 2” rain or water / week.
* Growing and Harvesting instructions emailed with each purchase.
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Producer Other Elderberry Plant