
Specialty Food Artisan

Metro Vancouver, BC V6K 3E6


Specialty Food Artisan


Nectaro is a small Vancouver-based company producing 100% natural ginger extracts. It is a cold-pressed ginger extract mixed with different fruit and vegetable extracts. Our product is unique by not containing any preservatives or artificial colors, but raw ingredients only. Ginger extract is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to boost your immune system and health. We make 5 different flavors of Ginger Extract (Original, Turmeric, Pomegranate, Orange-Turmeric, and Celery). From leftover pulp produced while making ginger extract, we create flavourful tea blends. We also make handcrafted fruit rolls/leathers. A delicious and healthy snack for children and adults made exclusively from local fruits and nothing else.

Programs and Partners


Vancouver, BC
