Ms. Lee's Natural Foods Ltd.

Specialty Food Artisan

Metro Vancouver BC V7K 1A7

Ms. Lee's Natural Foods Ltd.

Specialty Food Artisan


Ms. Lee's Natural Foods was founded in 2015 by Ms. Lee, in order to bring authentic Korean kimchi with a vegan twist to the Canadian public. In 2018 we made some big changes including moving commercial kitchens, expanding our branding, and coming out with a new and improved package design. We're finally ready to bring our best product to markets!

Programs and Partners


North Vancouver, BC


Jeong Lee
I was born in Korea and lived there many years. I was a researcher and lectured at several universities. My focus was Korean and Western traditions of music composition. I worked with a leading South Korean TV and radio network, collaborating with orchestras and contemporary singers. Together, we helped renew a love for our beautiful rural folk songs.

It’s rewarding to rediscover history’s good ideas. This is true with music and food. When I was young, my mother showed how to make Kimchi. It was my turn to learn about a traditional food that had proved itself with each new generation. I came to understand that Kimchi was something more than a simple dish. Like music and art, it was an expression of generosity.

Fast forward to now—I’ve been in Canada for more than a decade bringing Kimchi to Canadians via restaurants and markets. It’s a hit, so we’re expanding. The curious become customers who understand the wisdom of vegetable-centric diets, and fermented foods. Customers become fans. They like it and want more.


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