
L&L DeLuxe Micro Farm


1+ lb

$4.00 per lb


Our Roma Tomatoes are a deliciously sweet and tangy variety, perfect for adding depth to any dish. With their firm flesh and low water content, they make the ideal base for sauces, pastes, and salsas. Their rich, tomatoey flavor is perfect for Italian-inspired dishes like pizza, lasagna, and spaghetti, but they can also be enjoyed fresh in salads or sliced up for sandwiches. At our Micro Farm, we take pride in growing our Roma Tomatoes sustainably and organically, ensuring that each one is bursting with flavor and nutrition.

Flavor Profile: Roma tomatoes have a mild, slightly sweet flavor with low acidity. They are not as juicy as some other tomato varieties, which makes them ideal for sauces and pastes.

Sauces and Pastes: One of the primary uses of Roma tomatoes is in the preparation of tomato sauces and pastes. Due to their meaty texture and low seed count, Roma tomatoes are favored for making thick and flavorful sauces, including pasta sauce, pizza sauce, and salsa.

Canning and Preserving: Roma tomatoes are well-suited for canning and preserving. Whether whole, crushed, or turned into a sauce, they maintain their structure during the preservation process. Many people use Roma tomatoes to make canned tomatoes, tomato paste, and salsa for long-term storage.

Fresh Consumption: While not as commonly consumed fresh as some other tomato varieties, Roma tomatoes can still be enjoyed in salads, sandwiches, and bruschettas. Their firm flesh adds a pleasant texture to these dishes.

Drying: Due to their low moisture content, Roma tomatoes are often used for sun-drying or oven-drying. Dried Roma tomatoes can be stored and used in various recipes, such as salads, and pasta dishes, and as a flavorful addition to antipasto platters.

Tomato Soups: Roma tomatoes are suitable for making tomato soups. Their meaty texture contributes to a thick and hearty soup.

Grilled and Roasted Dishes: The firmness of Roma tomatoes makes them suitable for grilling or roasting. Grilled or roasted Roma tomatoes can be used as a side dish, in salads, or as a flavorful addition to various recipes.

Tomato Paste and Puree: Roma tomatoes are often used to make tomato paste and puree. The concentrated flavor and thick consistency of these products make them valuable ingredients in a variety of dishes.

When using Roma tomatoes, it's important to consider their specific characteristics, such as their firmness and lower water content, which make them particularly well-suited for certain culinary applications. Whether you're making sauces, pastes, or enjoying them fresh, Roma tomatoes are versatile and popular in many kitchens.


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L&L DeLuxe Micro Farm

Collins, IA


Producer Tomatoes Heirloom Tomatoes Roma Tomato