HJ Canvas


Duval County, FL

HJ Canvas



HJ Canvas is where I create my painting pieces: original oil or acrylic on canvas, original watercolour pieces, original and/or prints of my own watercolour cards. You can check out my website for more information: hjcanvas.com

Programs and Partners


Jacksonville Beach, FL


My name is Heidi and HJ Canvas is where I share my creations with you.

In my opinion, art doesn’t fit in a box and it’s the freest form of expression. That’s why you will find all sorts of media and styles here. HJ Canvas is literally a canvas that can be turned into anything I or you can imagine. A watercolour card to wish a friend a happy birthday, a modern or moody acrylic painting on canvas, or a sophisticated oil painting on canvas that has taken me a year to finish.

Having recently moved to Florida from Canada, I am looking forward to build my community here and my art is one of the important ways for me to do just that, while I adjust to the hot summer days. Excited to be a part of Jacksonville Art community and enjoy warmer winters.


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