Coriolis Creek Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pet Club 247

Coriolis Creek Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Coriolus Creek Cookies are a daily dietary supplement for the whole family made with the Coriolus versicolor mushroom to help support the body's immune system. These cookies are all-natural and free of hydrogenated oils, trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, palm oil, preservatives and contain no artificial ingredients. They are lower in sugar than most cookies because they don't require over saturated sweetness to mask lower quality ingredients. They also include a proprietary strain of the Coriolus versicolor mushroom and offer the best value for the money. It is a combination of both Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP). The Coriolus versicolor mushroom offers much needed immune support and it can be taken on a daily basis.

Coriolus versicolor, PSK and PSP, is one of the most widely studied supplements for its immune supporting properties. One would be hard pressed to find another immune supplement product that has had more research completed or positive comments associated with it. The amount of worldwide comments and studies (including those in the west) is compelling. There have been over 400 animal and human studies worldwide including over a dozen human based, placebo trials. It is also reported that it is good for all people including the elderly, the physically weak, and those who are overworked. Our process ensures a highly potent strain of Coriolus versicolor, harvested at the mycelia stage (not the fruited body) and ensures the highest quality of polysaccharide peptide (PSP) and polysaccharide krestin (PSK).

Coriolus versicolor targets the immune system and is known to support the body’s immune response and immune system functions.

We genuinely believe that our strain of Coriolus versicolor mushroom is the finest available, delivering optimum immune support to help you live a better life. We want you to feel confident and informed about the product you are incorporating into your wellness routine. We invite you to experience the difference firsthand and join the community of satisfied customers who have benefited from our premium products!

• Promotes a healthy immune system
• Supports wellness
• Non-GMO
• 100% Natural
• Natural Belgian chocolate
• No high-fructose corn syrup
• No palm oil, no preservatives
• Made in the USA


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Pet Club 247

Clearwater, FL


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