GreenHouse Soups&Chili
GreenHouse prepares Small-Batch, Hand-Craft, Premium, Primarily Organic and Locally Sourced 'Soups&Chili'. GHS&C has been popping-up All over town for the past 6 years. We are a pop-up lunch service, supplier to other local small businesses, we participate in special and community events, catering and now we have our first permanent 'FreshFoodStand' in the Focus: HOPE campus.
Antibiotic And Hormone Free Pastured Free Range Non Gmo
GHS&C is a licensed restaurant with the City of Detroit and has been licensed with MDARD. Owner/Chef Jane Bate meets all the expectations of the city and state. Member of FoodLab Detroit, Detroit Pop-Up Alliance, Detroit Area Chefs.... and others. GHS&C is interested- involved with many other Detroit Chefs and Allies in building a strong Good Food System.
Jane Bate aka...TheSoupLady
I started the company at my local farmer's market in 2014. Bringing a single pot of chili and selling out each time. I started to bring more flavors and my following grew strong. Because of the support of the community our pots keep growing! We now serve 11 flavors with 2 more coming soon. I take the diversity of the garden and create a tasty, balanced and nutrient dense 'Real Meal in a Bowl'. GHS&C takes the time to Shop, Chop and make that Pot, so you don't have to.
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