Vercelli’s Bakery


Westchester County, NY 10591

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Vercelli’s Bakery



The soul mission of Vercelli’s Bakery is make genuine baked goods, full of italian, argentinian & brazilian reminisce relish, and joy to share simple things of live: love & thanks.
Being the youngest of four, I always feel the love of my parents and siblings. I’m thankful for that; more than nothing, because that love became in part of my motive to pursuit my passions. My mom and dad, they were entrepreneurs/fighters their entire life, and that install on me this desire the create, build, dream, and be an entrepreneur by myself. Now, I found myself having fun, and growing up in NY, married with the best man ever, building my own home, life and dreams.

Here is why I decided create Vercelli’s, the to-order-bakery where everyone will find more than a delightful bread, cakes & pastries, biscuits & cookies, if is not also a connection, a new future memory being created.

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Sleepy Hollow, NY

© OpenStreetMap contributors


Enzo L. Moreira
I am, and always will be, proud of my Argentinian+Brazilian+Italian heritage. Maybe a lot? Maybe, but trough years I learn to enjoy the richness glowing in the diversity; and, Is part of my identity, my history. Like to think about me, like someone from one of the creative minorities that can help to change the future. I find on Baking a simple & beautiful way to help to do, so, I’m enjoying this journey learning the art of baking. I fall in love after work as a journalist & educator. Started at Dominique Ansel Bakery, in 2019; continue trough Breadfolks Bakery; until my most recent step, in Blue Hill at Stone Barns.


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