Weathertop Farm
Weathertop Farm produces sustainable vegetables following all the organic rules. Chris Buckalew, the farmer, is a retired California Polytechnic State University professor who grew up in Denton and always wanted to farm. In his second career, he grows tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, squash, peppers, cantaloupes, watermelons, green beans, asparagus, and many other vegetables in season, as well as eggs from his free-range flock of chickens.
Use Only Organic Materials Non Gmo Antibiotic And Hormone Free
I follow all the organic rules, but I'm not certified organic. Organic certification is expensive and time-consuming, and I prefer just to tell customers how I grow things. I use almost no pesticides, and what I do use is organic approved. I fertilize with only compost and horse manure, no chemical fertilizers of any kind. And of course no herbicides. To prevent weeds I use exclusively mulch and rototilling.