Monstera Deliciosa

Demeters Green

Monstera Deliciosa

1+ Qty



Monstera deliciosa, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Split-Leaf Philodendron, is a popular tropical houseplant known for its large, unique leaves. Here's a description of Monstera deliciosa:

Leaves: The most distinctive feature of Monstera deliciosa is its large, glossy, and deeply lobed leaves. The leaves have natural splits and holes, giving them a "Swiss cheese" appearance. The fenestrations (holes) become more pronounced as the plant matures.

Growth Habit: Monstera deliciosa has a climbing or trailing growth habit. In its natural habitat, it can climb trees using aerial roots, but as a houseplant, it is often grown in pots with support provided for its climbing vines.

Size: The size of the plant can vary, and it has the potential to grow quite large if provided with the right conditions. The leaves can be several feet in length.

Light Requirements: Monstera deliciosa prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate lower light conditions, but too much direct sunlight can scorch its leaves. It is often recommended for indoor spaces with filtered or dappled sunlight.

Watering: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering, and then water the plant thoroughly. Monstera deliciosa prefers consistently moist soil but should not be overwatered to avoid root rot.

Temperature and Humidity: It thrives in warm and humid conditions but can adapt to a range of temperatures. Adequate humidity can promote healthy growth and prevent leaf issues.

Fruit: In its natural habitat, Monstera deliciosa produces an edible fruit known as a "Monstera Fruit" or "Swiss Cheese Fruit." The fruit is a green, scaly structure with a sweet and tropical flavor. However, fruiting is rare in indoor settings.

Toxicity: The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals and is considered toxic if ingested. It can cause irritation and discomfort if chewed or eaten.

Propagation: Monstera deliciosa can be propagated through stem cuttings. Aerial roots can also be encouraged to root in soil.

Monstera deliciosa is a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts due to its unique and aesthetically pleasing foliage. It is relatively easy to care for, making it a favorite among those looking to add a touch of the tropics to their indoor spaces.


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Demeters Green

Tampa, FL


Producer Houseplants