Demeters Green

Philodendron Joepii

1+ Qty



Here's a description of Philodendron joepii and some care instructions to help you take care of this unique plant:

- Philodendron joepii is a rare and sought-after plant that belongs to the Araceae family. It is a climbing plant native to the rainforests of South America.
- This Philodendron species is known for its large, glossy leaves that can grow up to 10 inches long. The leaves have a dark green color with prominent veining, which adds to its beauty.

Care Instructions:
1. Light: Philodendron joepii thrives in bright but indirect or filtered light. It can tolerate lower light conditions, but too much direct sunlight can scorch its leaves. Place it near a window with filtered light or provide artificial grow lights if needed.

2. Temperature: This plant prefers temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). It can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures, but avoid exposing it to temperatures below 55°F (13°C) for extended periods.

3. Watering: Water your Philodendron joepii thoroughly when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, as this plant is susceptible to root rot. Avoid overwatering but maintain consistent moisture levels. Adjust watering frequency according to the season and the moisture needs of the plant.

4. Humidity: Philodendron joepii thrives in higher humidity levels. You can increase humidity around the plant by misting its leaves regularly or placing a humidifier nearby. Alternatively, you can place the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles to create a humid microclimate.

5. Soil: Plant your Philodendron joepii in a well-draining potting mix. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark works well. Ensure that the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

6. Fertilizer: Feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for the correct dosage. Avoid fertilizing during the dormant winter months.

7. Support and Pruning: Philodendron joepii is a climbing plant that benefits from a support structure, such as a moss pole or trellis. You can train its vines to grow along the support. Prune any leggy or damaged stems to maintain a compact and attractive shape.

8. Propagation: Philodendron joepii can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take a healthy stem cutting with a few nodes, remove the lower leaves, and place it in a container with a moistened mix of peat moss and perlite. Keep the soil lightly moist and provide high humidity to encourage root growth.

By following these care instructions, you can enjoy the beauty of Philodendron joepii and watch it thrive and grow in your indoor space.

**You will receive a plant comparable to examples in photographs, not necessarily the exact plant**

Returns/Exchanges: If there is an issue with the plant upon arrival, please provide a photograph/video within 24 hours of delivery and I will do everything I can to assist you. Unfortunately, returns are not accepted under any circumstances. In the end, it is the purchaser's responsibility to determine best care for the plant. These instructions are meant for guidance only and are in no way guarantee of plant survivability post arrival.


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Demeters Green

Tampa, FL


Producer Houseplants