Monstera Thai Constellation

Demeters Green

Monstera Thai Constellation

1+ Qty


1+ Qty



Monstera Thai Constellation is a unique and highly sought-after cultivar of the Monstera deliciosa plant known for its stunning variegated foliage. Here's a description of Monstera Thai Constellation:

Foliage: The leaves of Monstera Thai Constellation are the highlight of this cultivar. They feature large, heart-shaped, or split leaves with dramatic variegation. The variegation includes shades of creamy white or light yellow splashed across the dark green background. The variegation is often marbled or mosaic-like, creating a striking and eye-catching appearance.

Leaf Fenestration: Similar to the typical Monstera deliciosa, Thai Constellation may develop natural holes and splits in its leaves as it matures. This fenestration is a characteristic feature of the Monstera genus.

Growth Habit: Monstera Thai Constellation grows as a climbing or trailing vine. It can be trained to climb on supports or allowed to cascade down, making it suitable for hanging baskets or tall containers.

Light Requirements: It thrives in bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate lower light conditions, providing bright, filtered light enhances the vibrancy of its variegation. Protect it from direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

Watering: Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering. Monstera plants prefer well-draining soil, and overwatering should be avoided.

Temperature and Humidity: It prefers warm temperatures and higher humidity levels, but it can adapt to average room conditions. Regular misting or placement in a humid environment can benefit the plant.

Care Tips: Pruning can help control the size and shape of the plant. Fertilize during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

Toxicity: Monstera plants, including Thai Constellation, are considered mildly toxic if ingested. It's advisable to keep them out of reach of pets and small children.

Monstera Thai Constellation is prized for its ornamental foliage, making it a stunning addition to interior spaces. Due to its popularity and limited availability, it's often considered a collector's plant.

**You will receive a plant comparable to examples in photographs, not necessarily the exact plant**

Returns/Exchanges: If there is an issue with the plant upon arrival, please provide a photograph/video within 24 hours of delivery and I will do everything I can to assist you. Unfortunately, returns are not accepted under any circumstances. In the end, it is the purchaser's responsibility to determine best care for the plant. These instructions are meant for guidance only and are in no way guarantee of plant survivability post arrival.



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Demeters Green

Tampa, FL


Producer Houseplants