Cultured Cafe LLC

Specialty Food Artisan

New Haven County, CT 06511

Cultured Cafe LLC

Specialty Food Artisan


We are a local fermented foods health cafe. We ferment local produce so it is probiotic rich. We make kombucha and water kefir beverages. We seek to educate the public on ways they can improve their health and we think that fermented foods are the first missing link. We also formulate, manufacture and sell a line of natural health products made right here in Connecticut.

Programs and Partners


New Haven, CT


Alexander S Angeloff
My Background is in formulating natural health products, herbalism, scientific research and experimentation. I come from a long line of pharmacists who owned Silver's Drug Shop in west haven, but I am applying that knowledge in my own way. I want to make food the same way I formulate natural health products by identifying key ingredients and combining them in a way which maximizes their health properties and their flavors too!


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