High Pie Hemp

Specialty Food Artisan

Tarrant County, TX 76034

High Pie Hemp

Specialty Food Artisan


I started making high strength hemp products when I was underwhelmed by those available retail. I received my Consumable Hemp Products license and began selling my hemp gummies and hemp salve to friends and family, and later to strangers. Now im seeking to expand distribution by being a part of your market.

All products are made using hemp grown legally in both Texas and North Carolina. All product manufacturing takes place in my home in DFW using locally sourced raw ingredients.

We collect sales tax.

Programs and Partners


Colleyville, TX


Chris McNosky
I am the sole member / employee of High Pie Hemp. I started using hemp on my back in topical form. I later began consuming hemp orally in addition to my topical usage to relax my spastic back and neck muscles. I have found my products uniquely effective on those that use them.


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