B fresh gear

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Pinellas County, FL

B fresh gear

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


My friends and I make retro fashion! I'm moving to St. Pete to be near my son, so I figured instead of breaking up with the team, I would find some marketplaces to keep the dream alive and build out some Florida inroads.
We're from Denver. We started out doing retro themed doodles for some bands we were a part of, and then we started putting our prints on fanny packs, hats, and visor shades. The rest has evolved from there.

Programs and Partners


St. Petersburg, FL


I'm David. I work for a small Denver based brand called B fresh. My son lives in Florida so I'm moving out there and looking to pick up some marketplaces to show the rest of the team that Florida is viable.
I like photography, TMNT, and dirt bikes.


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