Wealth Redistribution Group
The Wealth Redistribution Group believes that by attending to the needs and wants of those most disenfranchised by our current social structures we can build a more just society. We believe that wealth redistribution must be informed by the context that we live in—a world built on anti-Blackness—therefore, we see the redistribution of money, goods, and services as a key component of a movement towards liberation.
The Wealth Redistribution Group takes action in recognition of the obligation and demand for reparative structures in response to globalized anti-Blackness. Without a dedicated and sustained effort to interrupt racial capitalism, quality of life, wealth, and generational iniquities will persist and continue to disproportionately affect Black people.
Started in June 2021, WRG has already redistributed more than $30,000 in funds to Black people in Philadelphia and is currently sustaining monthly reparations for Black individuals as well as redistributing funds for one time needs such as groceries, utilities, and rent for non-members and members alike.