Ori Studios

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Wayne County, MI 48207

Ori Studios

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


Ori studios is a non-toxic, gender-neutral fragrance line. Our company strives to disrupt the traditional fragrance market by centering black and brown bodies while remaining accessible.

We celebrate the body, we celebrate the whole person, and view fragrance as a means of self expression and a tool that helps you connect with yourself.

As Ori Studios grows, we look to establish our brand as a pillar in the community where we will hire and train Detroiters to learn a new trade that they might not have been introduced to otherwise. We want to offer low to no cost programming that helps empower Detroit in various areas such as health and wellness.

Programs and Partners


Detroit, MI


Jamie Wadsworth
A native Detroiter, graduate of BGSU with a BS in Human Development and Family Studies with a passion for bridging the gap between beauty and health and wellness.


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