Cotton River Soap Co

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Walton County, GA 30052

Cotton River Soap Co

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


We have been making and selling bath and body products from our homestead since 2007. We like to source raw materials as locally as possible and provide quality, natural products. We have fun hygiene and cosmetics products for all ages and skin types (including ultra-sensitive skin). We carry herbal products to use as natural remedies. We have products for men, women, and children, pets, natural home use products, and more. We are more than just an artisan soap vendor. We enjoy making natural products that are easily and financially accessible to our friends and neighbors.

Programs and Partners


Loganville, GA


Gina Treadway-Gibbs
Gina has been homesteading since 2005. She raises dairy goats, farms and has been living off the land in some capacity since her homesteading beginnings.
Gina’s interest in herbal medicine began in 2010. Being a bit of a chemistry nerd, she began to incorporate the healing aspects of herbs into her soap making. What started as a fun hobby of making goat milk soaps, has turned into a part time job and a full time passion. She now uses her ongoing herbal studies to formulate a growing product line of cosmetics that are affordable for everyone.
