Zen Imperium LLC dba Bubbling Buddha Soaps

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

El Paso County, CO 80917

Zen Imperium LLC dba Bubbling Buddha Soaps

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


There are so many homemade soaps out there. However, we stand out as being the soap you want to give as a gift. A gift to yourself, or that unique gift that will make a lasting impression.

My knowledge of oils, scents and colors is a perfect combination to manifest a unique soap to tickle your senses and soul. They feel silky, lather nicely, look pretty and smell great!

Bubbling Buddha is also a member of the Handcrafted Soap Cosmetic Guild (HSCG). This is important because it allows us to continue learning about the process of making soap, while giving us access to resources, products and communities surrounded by soaping and cosmetic crafting.

The dedication Bubbling Buddha has to providing a great soap does not stop at making them, but continues on with education and a passion to give you a "steak" for a soap, instead of a "hotdog."

Programs and Partners


Colorado Springs, CO


Kimberly Ingham


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