Simply All-Natural

Tallow Body Butter

1+ Qty


1+ Qty



Whipped Tallow Body Butter is a luxurious and nourishing skincare option. The benefits include its ability to deeply moisturize the skin, thanks to the rich fatty acids that mimic the skin's natural oils. The whipped texture enhances the application, making it easier to spread and absorb, leaving your skin feeling velvety soft and very hydrated. Tallow's natural vitamins, like A, D, and E, contribute to its antioxidant properties, promoting skin health. Regular use of whipped tallow can assist in soothing dry or irritated skin, providing a natural solution for a radiant complexion.

2oz jar - Choose from:
Ultra - Frankincense & Helichrysum
Hint of Vanilla
Citrus Vanilla

8 oz -

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Simply All-Natural

Peyton, CO


Producer Skin Care Tallow Bodybutter Tallowbodybutter