Min & Mo


Pinellas County, FL 33703

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Min & Mo



Since 2019 I've been making tea towels with a variety of funny, snarky quotes in various categories - wine, pets (dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs), curse words, food, holidays, tv shows and custom orders. I wholesale to local businesses here in Florida, Wisconsin and Iowa. My Etsy shop was started in 2019 with great success. I have a studio here in Florida and Iowa at the moment but will be spending more time in Florida other than late fall, winter and spring.
I use high quality cotton towels in several colors with a natural option available. The best part of my job is the laughter my towels bring or the joy of someone finding that perfect gift.

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St. Petersburg, FL

© OpenStreetMap contributors


Mindy May - Owner
Min & Mo was started after I exited my transportation business. The last 9 years, of 24 years in transportation, I ran my own freight brokerage company. My business was very successful but very stressful so I decided to make a business of making tea towels from it. With all of my years in sales experience it's been quite easy. From collecting, and gifting, fun tea towels for years it was a great fit. I love to craft and create so designing them has been fun. My business name was created from the love of my beautiful Golden Retriever, Malia, that passed shortly before. I called her Mo or MoMo. Once we had Malia in our lives we started to rescue golden retrievers. Ike in 2012 (abandoned on an Iowa farm in January), Frank in 2015 (dumped in a rural cemetery with heartworms & Lyme disease) and Ted, aka fullspeedahead Ted, in 2016.

Originally from Iowa, my ties to St Petersburg started in 2010 when my sister moved to the area. In July of 2021 we got a home here and decided to come for the winters. Once we landed we decided to make it official and become St Pete residents! I love St Pete more an any city that I've ever lived in or visited. This is my home and happy place.

I enjoy spending time with my family, crafts, creating, gardening, kayaking, organizing, researching, fixing things, garbage tv shows, cooking and my pets.


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