Tennessee Fairy Hair


Davidson County, TN 37220

Tennessee Fairy Hair



TennesseeFairyHair.com proudly and exclusively uses Finklepott's Original Fairy Hair™, the finest quality fairy hair.

We fuse it to one strand of hair.
It takes 10-15 minutes for us to place the strands.
It lasts until that strand falls out.
It can last months or a day...when you lose that hair, who can say?
You can wash it,
brush it,
comb it,
curl it,
flat iron, (up to 450°!)
color it,
straighten it,
perm it,
blow it dry, get your haircut, etc.
Do whatever you normally do to your hair -but most of all-, enjoy it!
Please take a moment to read our testimonials, browse photos, and find our public appearances at www.TennesseeFairyHair.com

Programs and Partners


Oak Hill, TN
