Rainbow Produce


Clackamas County, OR 97009

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Rainbow Produce



Rainbow Produce been around since 2016. Our farm was part of Headwaters Incubator Program during five years. Our farm grow vegetables. We cultivate the land by hand, no pesticides, no GMO seeds. We grow the starts for the farm ourselves. Right now, we are leasing one acre of land in Boring OR.

Programs and Partners

Production Practices

We grow Organic vegetables, because we don't have Organic USDA certificate.

We organize them in plastic containers and use Nutrition Facts labels.

We produce Pickles and salads from our vegetables.


Boring, OR


Adam (971) 231-4191
My name is Tatyana Tkachenko. I started farming business on2016. I love growing vegetables, berries and fruit trees. When my husband lost the job in 2018, he began to do the main hard work, and I help him with the market and accounting. Also our son's help father with standing on farmers market and farmland.