Black Oxygen Organics


Cassia County, ID 83323

Black Oxygen Organics



Purest form of 100% organic, plant based Fulvic/Humic Acid on the planet. 60,000 year old ancient soil, from deep inside the earth, Black Oxygen is the missing link to optimal health! These 80+ trace minerals, electrolytes, pre and probiotics and more are dug out of the purest peat bogs on the planet. Harvested out of the Ottowa Valley in Canada, there are 0 chemicals used in our extraction process. Simply freeze dried purity. Remineralize your life! From your body, to your children, pets, plants, and gardens, this exceptional, bio-available nanosized product is truly for everyone. Delivering up to 6o times its weight in nutrition directly at the cellular level, while at the same time, removing 6o times its weight in toxins OUT of our cells and effectively eliminating them from our bodies. Black Oxygen creates a highly Alkaline, highly Oxygenated environment in our bodies, effectively increasing oxygen absorption by up to 45% at a cellular level. Cancer, candida, mold, fungus, Yeasts, parasites and more cannot survive in an alkaline, oxygenated environment. When we eliminate these pathogens from our body, true health and healing can be facilitated!! This product t is extraordinary!!

Programs and Partners


Declo, ID


Ginger Wells
Lover of all things natural, seeker of truth and healing. Mama to 7, lover of all humans. Love helping people find their lives again through Black Oxygen.


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