Hot Dog Lady

Served/To Go Foods

Minidoka County, ID 83336

Hot Dog Lady

Served/To Go Foods


I had an espresso business, JuJu Beans, and my hot dog carts in the Boise area in 1996. JuJu Beans was very successful, but my passion lied with the food carts. Gotta love a good dog! "The Hot Dog Lady" was set up at High Schools, Feed Stores, and yes, during the late-night party scene....helping feed all those in much need of food after a long night of Once I became a mother, I retired from my coffee business and my much-loved hot dog business to embark on the most amazing journey, raising my wonderful son. Now that he has grown up and is successfully on his own and in his career...and has the most wonderful fiance, I found myself alone and a bit lost. I went through the empty nest syndrome....which was very painful for me lol....after reading every how to survive when your kids leave books, I decided that I could return to once again a passion of running my own business and serving people food. The Hot Dog Lady is more than a simple hot dog business... It gave me a direction, a purpose. It allowed me to give to others while making a simple living for myself. It's a full circle and I look forward to returning.

Programs and Partners


Heyburn, ID


Stacie Rochford
