Netherfield Farm LLC


Newton County, GA 30014

Netherfield Farm LLC



We are a family farm, with goats, horses, chickens, ducks, guineas, cats and dogs. In addition to selling eggs, and livestock, we use the goats milk to make goat milk soap, grow luffas, gourds, and are starting to grow herbs and tumeric. We sell goat milk soap, luffas and gourds at the Monroe Farmers Market.

Programs and Partners

Production Practices

We limit the use of pesticides and herbicides on our farm to extreme cases only. We don't spray our garden, but we do kill those fire ants and fence lines.


Covington, GA


Dorsey McBride
Dorsey is a full-time farmer at Netherfield farm, and is kept busy with growing, mowing, feeding our animals and catching snakes to place them safely, away form the chicken coop.

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