Fox in the Pines Designs
It's more than just a name, it's an idea. Fox in the Pines Designs was born from the vision of reconnecting to my inner creativity and revisiting the passion I had so long ago for woodworking. Did I still have the knack for it? Where would I begin? How does it make sense trying to start a new business in the midst of a global pandemic? These were just a few of the questions I had...
But God had a plan. I found that my apprehensions went away. I found peace in my decision to pursue this passion for creativity and handcrafting. And as it all started to unfold and develop- each aspect falling into place and the puzzle coming together- I knew it was meant to be.
Though my shop is still in the beginning stages, I am both humbled and grateful for how the Lord has already opened up so many wonderful opportunities for my creativity to flourish. I could not be more thankful for the support received from my family, friends, and loved ones. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for encouraging me in my pursuit of this creative passion, and I pray that my vision can serve as an inspiration for others looking to embark upon a new journey and artistic endeavor.
Bridget Morningstar
Some say I’m an old soul, but I love the nostalgic and reminiscent aesthetic of times long since past. I look to nature for my creative inspiration and love to develop useful and simplistic works of art using what I can reclaim and repurpose.
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