The Beauty Co.
This company is primarily focused on lip care. I have developed a line where only simple ingredients are used, ingredients you are familiar with and ingredients that actually work! I also work with CBD, some, not all of my products contain CBD. CBD is excellent for hydration and anti inflammation and it also has healing agents.
Alexis Diaz
For many years I personally suffered from various skin issues. While working my very demanding job, I felt there was more to life and I was meant to fulfill something more. I’ve always been drawn to beauty products and I would buy just about any product if it looked good. As I started focusing more on ingredients, I came across some I could never pronounce or even understand WHY they were even used in the product. I wanted to create something with simple ingredients and something that actually WORKS. I found that the most simple ingredients that are familiar to everyone, really worked. I am so proud and just starting, there is still so much to come and grow.