Recycled Designs by Rebecca

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art

Douglas County, WA 98802

Recycled Designs by Rebecca

Material Goods/Craft/Flea/Art


The bulk of my art is made of recycled metal, along with other recycled materials mixed in. I love giving new life, new purpose, to those things that some people call junk. As much I enjoy creating my art, I love teaching other to weld and create their own art.

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East Wenatchee, WA


Rebecca Weythman
I was born and raised in the Wenatchee valley, my roots dating back to the founding of Cashmere and Monitor. I am a single mother of three amazing kids, divorced 15 years. Back in 2011 decided to go back to school. From as far back as I can remember, all I ever wanted to be was a mom, to stay home take care of my children, keep house and be the best wife—just like my mom—but life never goes as planned.
When I was 5 years old, I was diagnosed with a learning disorder called dyslexia—way before most Dr.’s or educators even knew what dyslexia really was. Dyslexia is a disorder that affects the way your brain processes information. For me, I see things backwards, it’s like, if you were to write something down backwards and then try reading it in a mirror. Over the years I have learned ways to work with the Dyslexia. most people that don’t really know me, would never know the difference. Due to my dyslexia, book learning and I never really got along K-12. So, going back to school at 32, was scary to say the least. My adventure through college was longer than most, expanding my skill set and getting me to where I am today. I started this journey to better my family’s lives’ and to increase my skill set in landscape architecture and interior decorating and along the way falling in love with welding and recycled metal art.


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