BooYAH! Shrubs LLC

Specialty Food Artisan

Marion County IN 46220

BooYAH! Shrubs LLC

Specialty Food Artisan


Rene’ Walczak and Chris Walczak – Sister and brother team

3 years ago my brother and I discovered shrubs while dining out. Summer, garden, hot and we were looking for something refreshing other than iced tea, water or lemonade . Our waitress offered “shrubs” as an option. We came to learn that the bartender was making shrubs to create craft cocktails. Our first taste was a shot of Cherry Vanilla in a glass of iced club soda. The reaction was: BOOYAH! The beverage was sweet and tart, refreshing and aromatic. We were hooked! Through that summer and then fall, we made basic shrubs from seasonal fruits – then we let them sit until the following year to see if, in fact, they had the “indefinite” shelf life they are purported to have. Indeed, they were perfect! So we set to work making more “crafted” blends using spices, herbs and mixed fruits. Loving the shrubs and loving what we were doing, we opted to make a true “business” and take our shrubs to Indy’s Growing Places Winter Farmers Market. Going into Market in 2017, we had discovered by that point that not only were shrubs fun and delicious, but also very healthy! Now in our 2nd year as BooYah! we essentially have 3 types of customers: (1) those who follow a daily ACV (apple cider vinegar) sipping regimen, (2) those who enjoy craft cocktailing, and (3) and the adventurous food enhancers (spritzing on salads, veggies, warm grains; using shrubs as marinades…) Now, BooYah! features 3 product types: shrubs (at any one time, we have 30-40 flavor skus and have been adding health-targeted blends as well as adding to our “experimentation” different sweeteners, herbs, botanicals and even vegetables); fruit-infused sipping vinegars (for our customers who either can’t “do” sugar or are maintaining a sugar-free diet); and all natural syrups (apple cinnamon clove, peach and hickory shag bark).

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Indianapolis, IN


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