Cloverdale Farms LLC
Started in 2015, we enjoy finding interesting and tasty heirloom varieties to share. We’re most passionate about our peppers and tomatoes. This will be our first year at the markets and are looking forward to meeting new folks.
Extended Growing Season Perennial Crops Integrated Pest Management Cover Crops Crop Rotation Low Till
Elena Barnes and Brendan McHugh
Elena’s the beauty and brains of the operation, while Brendan’s mostly the brawn. We started off growing vegetables for fun in the city and it grew from there. Brendan’s into nerding out on high tech sustainable agriculture. He’s always tinkering in the greenhouse with chemical free practices and supplemental lighting; implementing what he learns in there out to the field. Elena has a good eye for particularly vigorous plants she’s hoards in a portion of the greenhouse, companion-plants like a madwoman, and thinks more people should be eating South American peppers.
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