Curious Creatures Beer Corp

Specialty Food Artisan

Metro Vancouver, BC V7A 4V5

Curious Creatures Beer Corp

Specialty Food Artisan


Curious Creatures is an independent contract brewery, owned and operated by impassioned brewers alongside impassioned artists. From a beer perspective, our goal is to showcase the great work done on the agricultural side of the industry, brewing flavor-forward beer with a spotlight on the ingredients sourced from farms all over. Great beer is only one part of this story though. Curious Creatures as a company is made up of creatives who want to build something unique the likes of which have never been seen before. Our branding is meant to be evocative and different, built from a colourful aesthetic and laced together with a roving cast of characters and plot. Every aspect has been considered and discussed until we are satisfied with it.

Programs and Partners


Richmond, BC
