Long Live Mac + Cheeze

Served/To Go Foods

Metro Vancouver, BC V5L 5C3

Long Live Mac + Cheeze

Served/To Go Foods


Long Live Mac + Cheeze makes plant-based prepared macaroni + cheese with ethically- sourced cashews + whole wheat pasta! Freshly opened in East Van by Wellness Enthusiast + Mompreneur Casey Moulton, she says “Long Live Mac + Cheeze is a front. Sure, it may look like a food business…but it’s actually a wellness business.” Emotional, mental, physical + more are all elements of health. Casey’s respite in her favourite comfort food, mac and cheese, was squashed when she discovered the powerful personal and planetary health benefits of plant-based eating.

But the grocery stores just didn’t carry any vegan macs that were tasty or healthy. Mostly made with coconut oil sauce and white pasta, they lacked the emotional comfort Casey had so reliably found for years in traditional dairy-based mac and cheese. So, over COVID lockdown times, she and her then-boyfriend (now husband) experimented like mad with options to create a mac that satisfied Casey’s emotional + physical health needs. And they found it! The household rejoiced. And then Casey kept waiting for someone else to produce something similar that she could just buy off the shelf, because it took a while to cook + life gets busy. Nothin’. So finally she thought, “maybe I should do it…?”

Flash forward one year! It’s been a wild ride for Casey. She’s birthed both a baby (Sabrina - now 9 months!) and a business. It’s been a steep learning curve from navigating Vancouver Coastal Health + the CIty’s processes to learning how to breast feed (Sabrina is not currently vegan). But they’re here! And they would LOVE the chance to serve busy Vancouverites like you who want to do good by their bodies + the planet. Currently they offer frozen prepared Mac + Cheeze in a few sizes as well as frozen "Just the Sauce" cheeze sauce (gluten-free!), as well as fresh, creamy Mac + Cheeze for service at special events and markets.

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Vancouver, BC

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