Pies and Pastries by Lana

Served/To Go Foods

Polk County, IA 50314

Pies and Pastries by Lana

Served/To Go Foods


Pies and Pastries is owned and operated by Lana Shope. The business moto is "Everything is Better With Pie". Lana is a long-time Iowa State Fair award winning baker now turned judge. She has won the Best Apple Pie in American at the American Pie Council National Pie Championship, won the Tones Cinnamon Roll contest at the Iowa State Fair in 2012, as well as the best cookie of the fair and hundreds of blue ribbon pies!

Our Pie Cooperative has been in production since 2015. Each month our members select a new pie to pick up once or twice a month from the Mickle Center in Sherman Hills.

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Des Moines, IA


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