The Source Chiropractic Denver


Denver County, CO 80211

The Source Chiropractic Denver



At The Source Chiropractic Denver we have two fundamental services, the chiropractic exam and the chiropractic adjustment. We place a high value on the healing and re-connective ability of the chiropractic adjustment to facilitate pain reduction, functional improvement and life expression.

We believe in a world inter-connected and in mutual support of each other's well-being. We are of the opinion that our life belongs to the community, and as long as we live, it is our privilege to do for it whatever we can. We want to be thoroughly used up when we die, for the harder we work, the more we live. Life is no 'brief candle' to us. It is a sort of splended torch which we only got hold of for a moment, and we want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing in on to the future generations.

We EMPOWER each and every individual that steps foot into our office. The era of the "passive patient" is over. If someone wants real results, they must acknowledge the necessity to play an active role in their care. Here at The Source Chiropractic, empowerment starts with the understanding that the body has the power to heal itself. The body needs absolutely no help to heal, just no interference. It's our job as the chiropractor to detect and correct the interference (subluxation) that is blocking the body's innate ability to heal.

​We EDUCATE our community on the laws of the body, mind and soul. We are much more than your ordinary chiropractic office, we are an Academy of Health. In addition to the chiropractic adjustment, we find it extremely important to provide opportunities for our patients to learn skills and tools that will help them shape the life of their dreams.

​We ELEVATE global consciousness by living with Lasting Purpose; to give, to love, to serve out of abundance, without attachment to receiving something in return. People come into our office as patients, but it is our goal to help them transition to a change agent- people who act as catalyst for change by supporting social cause. Every month, The Source volunteers for a day to give back to the community and be a part of the change we wish to see in the world.

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Denver, CO


Dr. Darren Murphy
Dr. Darren Murphy’s journey to becoming a chiropractor began over 20 years ago. A series of seemingly unrelated events over these 20+ years eventually lead him to graduate from Life Chiropractic College West in June 2017. After receiving the Frank Sovinsky award for Excellence in chiropractic business, art and philosophy he quickly transitioned into his role as associate doctor at Oakland’s award winning Source Chiropractic. The next two years molded and shaped Dr. Darren on untold physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The Source Chiropractic - Oakland is notorious for being a “juggernaut of self development.” Here Dr. Darren served the great people of Oakland through chiropractic, learned how to operate a chiropractic business and be an integral part of Oaklands finest chiropractic team (6 docs/4 staff). In fall 2018 he envisioned his return to Denver, eventually arriving in April 2019 with his partner and now office manager, Hannah Weber. These two combined their efforts once arriving to Denver to locate, lease and tastefully customize a high vibrational chiropractic center. The Source Chiropractic - Denver is such a center. Let’s take a look back to see how Dr. Darren and the Source - Denver came in to BEing.

He suffered many sport related injuries in his childhood and teenage years. He often found himself in and out of surgery suites and a common visitor to the local orthopedic surgeon’s office in Casper, WY. The most severe of which was a radical break of his right femur in a high school football game. This break occurred directly through the growth plate which over the years caused his right leg to be an inch shorter than his left (and cause numerous other issues). From ages 10-18 he experienced a consistent cycle of injury, surgery, drugs and rehab. This cycle was effective though, as it usually landed Dr. Darren back on the field of play participating in the activities he loved. The healing power of the surgeon’s hands amazed him and how they could take a broken body and put it back together, oftentimes in a more functional state than before.

Dr. Darren was so inspired by the surgeon’s healing abilities that he charged full steam ahead into pre-medical studies at The University of Colorado - Boulder in the fall of 2004. He excelled in Organic Chemistry, cried in Physics lectures and had a love/hate relationship with business classes. In the wake of a student hazing death in Fall 2004 he joined, and ultimately directed the Student Emergency Medical Service (SEMS) at CU, a group of EMT’s trained to prevent student deaths at Greek Life events.

Dr. Darren’s final semester at CU in Spring 2008 was far from enchanting. Each week of the semester he received a rejection letter from a different medical school, totaling 14 in all. By graduation he had been rejected from every medical school he applied to. The writing was on the wall, clearly, the medical path was not meant for Dr. Darren. The thought of re-applying made him wince in pain. Luckily, his two brothers had started some tech companies in Denver and invited him to join up. By June 2008 he had moved on from the medical doctor dream to become a tech entrepreneur…clearly a fish out of his home pond.

Dr. Darren created businesses with his brothers for the next two years out of their basement in Highlands Ranch, CO. The entrepreneurial dream (link to niche tech story) was alive and well, sleeping upstairs, “horse-traughing” food in the kitchen and then diving into the basement each day to bang away at computers and watch money go out faster that it came in. This was literally back breaking work. Sitting at the computer for 12+ hours/day began to take a toll on Dr. Darren’s spine. He suffered severe mid back pain, not knowing what was causing it at the time. After a quick stint living in Santa Monica, CA in 2010 Dr. Darren decided to leave the businesses and return home to Casper, WY to “recover.” What was supposed to be one month in the basement turned in to three years in the man cave. These years proved to be more prodigious for his life path than he ever could have imagined.

These basement years were filled with purpose and discovery. He cared for his parents during this time as they experienced an unforeseen amount of surgeries themselves. He’ll never forget the 1am emergency hospital run with his dad and the pesky kidney stone that decided to travel! Caring for his parents and witnessing their healing reminded him of the lost love of healing he had once had. During this time he was also studying under a mentor who began to expose him to knowledge beyond what society would deem “typical.” Dr. Darren began engrossing himself in ancient texts, devouring esoteric wisdom, and learning the patterns of sacred geometry. Books such as The Body Electric, The Field and The Holographic Universe began teaching him about the universal wisdom never taught in modern schools. Throughout these years he came to know and understand that the body is a self healing mechanism, capable of incredible feats, if just given the chance. Throughout these basement dwelling years, his brother, Sean Murphy, serendipitously began to whisper in his ear “you’re a chiropractor, you just don’t know it yet,” roughly every six months. Dr. Darren vehemently denied these whispers, but as fate would have it, began getting adjusted, found his calling and applied to Life Chiropractic College West in fall 2013. He credits his brother Sean as being the primary inspiration who lead him to Chiropractic.

Other than the years spent in the basement, the 3.5 years of chiropractic college were the best of his life. He attended over 60 seminars, 10 international service trips and trained with the best of the best in the profession.


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