Farmers Market
Fredonia Farmers Market - Winter
Farmers Market
The Fredonia Farmers’ Market is a year round not-for-profit, vendor-run farmers market located in historical downtown Fredonia, NY. Our mission is to provide a marketplace for high quality, locally grown food and handcrafted products for the community, offer healthy food options, promote a strong local economy, and contribute to the preservation of small family farms. Visitors and residents alike can discover the strong agricultural, entrepreneurial and artistic talent that exists in western New York as well as expand their social consciousness with exposure to non-profit or service-based organizations that benefit everyone.
Located at the local Masonic Lodge indoors during the winter season. Parking available onsite
Name | When | Hours | Season |
Market Hours | Saturday | 2:53 PM - 2:53 PM |
Starts Nov 02 2024 Ends May 10 2025 |
Participation & Certifications