Welcome to the 16th season of the Tappahannock Farmer's Market! Our season runs from April through October on the 3rd Saturday, from 9 am until 1 pm. We are located in
Historic Downtown Tappahannock, drawing more than 700 attendees to our site beside the scenic Rappahannock River. We average 50 vendors offering farm-fresh products, value-added farm foods, crafted farm products, processed foods, artisan crafts, and prepared foods for onsite consumption.
Special events for 2024 include our inaugural Earth Day celebration on April 20. There will be live raptors and more for audience enjoyment, and educational exhibits from area conservation groups.
Vendors can apply for monthly or full-season spaces. Detailed instructions to the application process are on this site.
Attendees are also encouraged to visit the Essex County Museum, located adjacent to our site. The museum offers special tours for young people on market Saturdays. Tappahannock offers numerous dining opportunities, including the historic
1710 Tavern, located next to the market.
We look forward to meeting you!