The Merry Midtown Market event will take place on Saturday, December 21st from 10 am - 2 pm with load-in beginning at 8 am.
- All vendors with the exception of a few are invited to attend this Merry Midtown Market event.
- We advise all vendors to dress for the part! Decorate booths for the holidays and provide gift packs and/or gift-style products.
- A few exceptions include vendors that overlap with what is currently being sold merchant-wise within the Midtown Tampa property such as Coffee, Pizza, Chocolate, Macarons, Pressed Juice, Soap, Candles, CBD, Ice Cream and Boba Tea.
*Food Trucks may or may not be allowed at this event and this is to be announced soon.
Special Programming will be taking place!
- A visit from Santa and his Elf.
- A Complimentary Gift Wrapping Station provided by TBM
- Holiday Music will be booked