Easton Farmers' Market (EFM) is America's oldest, continuous open-air market whose purpose is to provide fresh, high quality, local produce and food products directly from regional farms and businesses to the consumer. EFM strives to support local agriculture and preserve the region’s agricultural heritage while promoting direct connection with the farmers who grow the food. EFM also offers artists and crafters an outlet for sale of their handmade products. Located at the confluence of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers, EFM is a key part of Easton’s downtown Market District, and serves as an important local economic driver and social hub.
Easton Farmers' Market is located at Scott Park at the confluence of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers. The market offers scenic views of the riverfront, a music stage, children's playground, seating areas, dog friendly spaces and direct access to the D&L Trail.
Participation & Certifications
Emily Roland
Manager - Emily Roland
Assistant Manager - Keri Lasky
The Easton Market District Advisory Council (EMDAC) serves as an advisory council for the Easton Market District (EMD) that includes the Easton Farmers’ Market (EFM), the West Ward Market (WWM) and the Easton Public Market (EPM). All markets are subsidiaries of the Greater Easton Development Partnership (GEDP), a 501c3 registered non-profit.
Purpose of the EMDAC is to:
Support market management and provide oversight in the operations of the EMD. Serve as advisors in interpreting and implementing EFM By-Laws. Review EFM vendor applications prior to each season and vote on each applicant. A majority vote is required to accept new vendors. The council may employ an independent agricultural consultant to perform farm inspections and make recommendations to the council concerning EFM applicants’ agricultural practices. Revise and approve the EFM By-laws as necessary. Changes require a majority vote for adoption. Review and update the EFM and EPM Mission Statements. Serve as ambassadors for the EFM and EPM to the community.