We are a collective of three farms: Earth Apple Organic Farm, Close to Home Organics and Snowy Mountain Farm.
Snowy Mountain Farm: We are a family run certified organic farm in the beautiful Similkameen Valley, BC, nestled at the base of Snowy Mountain. We have 12 acres of orchard with over 60 varieties of apples, pears, apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums, cherries, and quince. We believe in diversity, fostering healthy, living soils and feeding our community.
Close to Home Organics and Earth Apple Organic Farm are two certified organic vegetable producers in Glen Valley, Abbotsford. They both farm on the Glen Valley Organic Farm Co-op, which is a 50 acre land cooperative and work together to market produce through the CSA, restaurants, wholesale and farmers markets via the Farm Circle Organics Collective. The farmers you may get to know at the market include Chris Bodnar, Paige Dampier, Mike Nyberg and Shirlene Cote.