Same City Food Truck

Food Truck

Allen County IN 46805

Same City Food Truck

Food Truck


What if we could provide restaurant quality meals to individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness? More importantly, though, what if we could let them choose what it is they eat? There’s empowerment in choice. There’s humanity and privilege in choosing something as simple as what we eat. As an answer to these questions, in response to these thoughts, Same City was born. You can find Same City on the streets of Fort Wayne. Slingin’ high-quality meals for everyone.

Whether you’re unsheltered, sheltered, experiencing homelessness, or a little light on cash, we’ll be there for you. Giving you the option on what you eat and how much you pay. We have suggested donation prices for those who can afford it and a smile, handshake, and hot food for those who can’t. At Same City, all people can choose what they eat.

More importantly than being another provider providing meals, we’re collaborative advocates. If we can’t help you with whatever you’ve got going on, we know someone who can. We can help you with clothes, food, shelter, and access to community resources. We can walk you through the process of finding safe, stable housing solutions that fit you and your specific needs.

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Fort Wayne, IN


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